50Or are these the pangs of repentance? let us enter into them.
Then the Divine Family said: Six Thousand Years are now
Accomplish'd in this World of Sorrow; Milton's Angel knew
The Universal Dictate: and you also feel this Dictate.
And now you know this World of Sorrow, and feel Pity. Obey
55The Dictate! Watch over this World, and with your brooding wings
Renew it to Eternal Life: Lo! I am with you alway:
But you cannot renew Milton: he goes to Eternal Death.
So spake the Family Divine as One Man, even Jesus,
Uniting in One with Ololon & the appearance of One Man,
60Jesus the Saviour, appear'd coming in the Clouds of Ololon:
P. 20 THO' driven away with the Seven Starry Ones into the Ulro,
Yet the Divine Vision remains Every-where For-ever. Amen.
And Ololon lamented for Milton with a great Lamentation.
While Los heard indistinct in fear, what time I bound my sandals
5On, to walk forward thro' Eternity, Los descended to me:
And Los behind me stood: a terrible flaming Sun: just close
Behind my back: I turned round in terror and behold,
Los stood in that fierce glowing fire; & he also stoop'd down
And bound my sandals on in Udan-Adan: trembling I stood
10Exceedingly with fear & terror, standing in the Vale
Of Lambeth: but he kissed me and wish'd me health.
And I became One Man with him arising in my strength:
'Twas too late now to recede. Los had enter'd into my soul:
His terrors now posses'd me whole! I arose in fury & strength.
15I am that Shadowy Prophet who Six Thousand Years ago
Fell from my station in the Eternal bosom. Six Thousand Years
Are finish'd. I return! both Time & Space obey my will.
I in Six Thousand Years walk up and down: for not one Moment
Of Time is lost, nor one Event of Space unpermanent,
20But all remain: every fabric of Six Thousand Years
Remains permanent: tho' on the Earth where Satan
Fell, and was cut off, all things vanish & are seen no more,
They vanish not from me & mine, we guard them first & last.
The generations of men run on in the tide of Time,
25But leave their destin'd lineaments permanent for ever & ever.
So spake Los as we went along to his supreme abode.