Remember how Calvin and Luther in fury premature
Sow'd War and stern division between Papists & Protestants.
Let it not be so now: O go not forth in Martyrdoms & Wars!
50We were plac'd here by the Universal Brotherhood & Mercy,
With powers fitted to circumscribe this dark Satanic death,
And that the Seven Eyes of God may have space for Redemption.
But how this is as yet we know not, and we cannot know,
Till Albion is arisen: then patient wait a little while,
55Six Thousand years are pass'd away, the end approaches fast:
This mighty one is come from Eden, he is of the Elect,
Who died from Earth & he is return'd before the Judgment. This thing
Was never known that one of the holy dead should willing return.
Then patient wait a little while till the Last Vintage is over:
60Till we have quench'd the Sun of Salah in the lake of Udan-Adan.
O my dear Sons: leave not your Father, as your brethren left me:
Twelve Sons successive fled away in that thousand years of sorrow,
P. 23 OF Palamabron's Harrow, & of Rintrah's wrath & fury:
Reuben & Manazzoth & Gad & Simeon & Levi,
And Ephraim & Judah were Generated, because
They left me wandering with Tirzah: Enitharmon wept
5One thousand years, and all the Earth was in a wat'ry deluge.
We call'd him Menassheh because of the Generations of Tirzah,
Because of Satan: & the Seven Eyes of God continually
Guard round them, but I the Fourth Zoa am also set
The Watchman of Eternity: the Three are not: & I am preserved.
10Still my four mighty ones are left to me in Golgonooza,
Still Rintrah fierce, and Palamabron mild & piteous,
Theotormon fill'd with care, Bromion loving Science:
You O my Sons still guard round Los: O wander not & leave me!
Rintrah, thou well rememberest when Amalek & Canaan
15Fled with their Sister Moab into that abhorred Void,
They became Nations in our sight beneath the hands of Tirzah.
And Palamabron thou rememberest when Joseph an infant,
Stolen from his nurses cradle wrap'd in needle-work
Of emblematic texture, was sold to the Amalekite,
20Who carried him down into Egypt where Ephraim & Menassheh
Gather'd my Sons together in the Sands of Midian.
And if you also flee away and leave your Father's side
Following Milton into Ulro, altho' your power is great
Surely you also shall become poor mortal vegetations