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Page:The prophetic books of William Blake, Milton.djvu/51

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There are two Gates thro' which all Souls descend, One Southward
From Dover Cliff to Lizard Point, the other toward the North,
15Caithness & rocky Durness, Pentland & John Groat's House.

The Souls descending to the Body, wail on the right hand
Of Los: & those deliver'd from the Body on the left hand.
For Los against the east his force continually bends,
Along the Valleys of Middlesex from Hounslow to Blackheath,
20Lest those Three Heavens of Beulah should the Creation destroy,
And lest they should descend before the north & south Gates:
Groaning with pity, he among the wailing Souls laments.

And these the Labours of the Sons of Los in Allamanda
And in the City of Golgonooza: & in Luban: & around
25The Lake of Udan-Adan, in the Forests of Entuthon Benython:
Where Souls incessant wail, being piteous Passions & Desires,
With neither lineament nor form: but like to wat'ry clouds
The Passions & Desires descend upon the hungry winds:
For such alone Sleepers remain meer passion & appetite:
30The Sons of Los clothe them & feed & provide houses & fields.

And every Generated Body in its inward form
Is a garden of delight & a building of magnificence,
Built by the Sons of Los in Bowlahoola & Allamanda:
And the herbs & flowers & furniture & beds & chambers
35Continually woven in the Looms of Enitharmon's Daughters,
In bright Cathedron's golden Dome with care & love & tears.
For the various Classes of Men are all mark'd out determinate
In Bowlahoola: & as the Spectres choose their affinities,
So they are born on Earth, & every Class is determinate:
40But not by Natural, but by Spiritual power alone. Because
The Natural power continually seeks & tends to Destruction,
Ending in death: which would of itself be Eternal Death.
And all are Class'd by Spiritual & not by Natural power.

And every Natural Effect has a Spiritual Cause, and Not
45A Natural: for a Natural Cause only seems: it is a Delusion
Of Ulro & a ratio of the perishing Vegetable Memory.

P. 27 SOME Sons of Los surround the Passions with porches of iron & silver,
Creating form & beauty around the dark regions of sorrow,
Giving to airy nothing a name and a habitation
Delightful: with bounds to the Infinite putting off the Indefinite

5Into most holy forms of Thought: (such is the power of inspiration).