And secret Assasinations, not worship'd nor ador'd: but
With the finger on the lips & the back turn'd to the light.
And Saturn, Jove & Rhea of the Isles of the Sea remote.
These Twelve Gods, are the Twelve Spectre Sons of the Druid Albion
35And these the names of the Twenty-seven Heavens & their Churches.
Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch,
Methuselah, Lamech: these are Giants, mighty, Hermaphroditic.
Noah, Shem, Arphaxad, Cainan the second, Salah, Heber,
Peleg, Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah, these are the Female-Males,
40A Male within a Female hid as in an Ark & Curtains.
Abraham, Moses, Solomon, Paul, Constantine, Charlemaine,
Luther, these seven are the Male-Females, the Dragon Forms,
Religion hid in War, a Dragon red & hidden Harlot.
All these are seen in Milton's Shadow who is the Covering Cherub,
45The Spectre of Albion, in which the Spectre of Luvah inhabits,
In the Newtonian Voids between the Substances of Creation.
For the Chaotic Voids outside of the Stars are measured by
The Stars, which are the boundaries of Kingdoms, Provinces
50And Empires of Chaos invisible to the Vegetable Man.
The Kingdom of Og is in Orion: Sihon is in Ophiucus.
Og has Twenty-seven Districts: Sihon's Districts Twenty-one,
From Star to Star, Mountains & Valleys, terrible dimension
Stretched out, compose the Mundane Shell, a mighty Incrustation
55Of Forty-eight deformed Human Wonders of the Almighty
With Caverns whose remotest bottoms meet again beyond
The Mundane Shell in Golgonooza, but the Fires of Los rage
In the remotest bottoms of the Caves, that none can pass
Into Eternity that way, but all descend to Los
60To Bowlahoola & Allamanda & to Entuthon Benython.
The Heavens are the Cherub: the Twelve Gods are Satan:
P. 39 AND the Forty-eight Starry Regions are Cities of the Levites,
The Heads of the Great Polypus. Four-fold twelve enormity
In mighty & mysterious comingling, enemy with enemy,
Woven by Urizen into Sexes from his mantle of years.
5And Milton collecting all his fibres into impregnable strength
Descended down a Paved work of all kinds of precious stones
Out from the eastern sky; descending down into my Cottage