Page:The rape of the lock.djvu/38

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The RAPE of the LOCK.
Hither the Heroes and the Nymphs reſort,
To taſte awhile the Pleaſures of a Court;
In various Talk th' inſtructive hours they paſt,
Who gave a Ball, or paid the Viſit laſt:
One ſpeaks the Glory of the Britiſh Queen,
And one deſcribes a charming Indian Screen;
A third interprets Motions, Looks, and Eyes;
At ev'ry Word a Reputation dies.
Snuff, or the Fan, ſupply each Pauſe of Chat,
With ſinging, laughing, ogling, and all that.

Mean while declining from the Noon of Day,
The Sun obliquely ſhoots his burning Ray;
The hungry Judges ſoon the Sentence ſign,
And Wretches hang that Jury-men may Dine;
The Merchant from th' Exchange returns in Peace,
And the long Labours of the Toilette ceaſe——
Belinda now, whom Thirſt of Fame invites,
Burns to encounter two adventrous Knights,
