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Rape of the Lock.
But anxious Cares the penſive Nymph oppreſt,
And ſecret Paſſions labour'd in her Breaſt.
Not youthful Kings in Battel ſeiz'd alive,
Not ſcornful Virgins who their Charms ſurvive,
Not ardent Lovers robb'd of all their Bliſs,
Not ancient Ladies when refus'd a Kiſs,
Not Tyrants fierce that unrepenting die,
Not Cynthia when her Manteau's pinn'd awry,
And ſecret Paſſions labour'd in her Breaſt.
Not youthful Kings in Battel ſeiz'd alive,
Not ſcornful Virgins who their Charms ſurvive,
Not ardent Lovers robb'd of all their Bliſs,
Not ancient Ladies when refus'd a Kiſs,
Not Tyrants fierce that unrepenting die,
Not Cynthia when her Manteau's pinn'd awry,