Page:The rape of the lock.djvu/64

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The RAPE of the LOCK.
All ſide in Parties, and begin th' Attack;
Fans clap, Silks ruſsle, and tough Walebones crack;
Heroes and Heroins Shouts confus'dly riſe,
And baſe, and treble Voices ſtrike the Skies.
No common Weapons in their Hands are found,
Like Gods they fight, nor dread a mortal Wound:

[1]So when bold Homer makes the Gods engage,
And heav'nly Breaſts with human Paſſions rage;
'Gainſt Pallas, Mars; Latona, Hermes, Arms;
And all Olympus rings with loud Alarms.
Jove's Thunder roars, Heav'n trembles all around;
Blue Neptune ſtorms, the bellowing Deeps reſound;
Earth ſhakes her nodding Tow'rs, the Ground gives way:
And the pale Ghoſts ſtart at the Flaſh of Day!

Triumphant Umbriel on a Sconce's Height
Clapt his glad Wings, and ſate to view the Fight,
Propt on their Bodkin Spears the Sprights ſurvey
The growing Combat, or aſſiſt the Fray.

  1. Homer Il. 20.