Page:The reciprocity craze.djvu/22

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respect, handicaps and kills our competitors. Free Trade would breathe life into them. I say, therefore, speaking selfishly as an Englishman, we had better remain as we are, and "let sleeping dogs lie."

But I want to know what it is our Neo-Protectionists have to lay at the door of Free Trade, even one-sided Free Trade.

Let us do a little more national stock-taking, for there is no other way of seeing how we get on.

Under the head "Imports and Exports," I gave figures which show the grand external results of our one-sided free trade. Let us now look at our internal condition, and see whether we can recognise any moral and material progress.

Let us take—i. Population. 2. Pauperism. 3. Crime. 4. Education. 5. Thrift. 6. Bankruptcy. 7. Taxation. 8. National Debt. 9. Banking. 10. Railways. 11. Agriculture.

i.— Population.

In 1850 the United Kingdom numbered 27,523,694
1860 28,778,411
1870 31,205,444
1880 34,468,552
1881 34,788,814

There is nothing discouraging here, surely. During the last ten years 3,275,000 persons, nearly 900 a day, have been added to our population, notwithstanding emigration, and a protracted agricultural and trade depression.

What is the economical condition of this population?

The following tables will indicate this:—

Years. Exports. Per head of Population. Imports. Per head of Population. Excess of Imports per head.
    £ s. d.   £ s. d. £ s. d.
1854 115,821,092 4  3 7 152,389,053  5 10 2 1  6  7
1860 164,521,351 5 14 4 210,530,873  7  7 0 1 12  8
1870 244,080,577 7 16 5 303,257,493  9 14 4 1 17 11
1880 286,414,466 8  6 1 411,229,565 11 18 7 3 12  6