Page:The reciprocity craze.djvu/24

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England and Wales.

Year.   Population.   No. of Paupers
January 1.
1850 ... 17,773,324 ... 920,543
1860 ... 19,902,713 ... 851,020
1870 ... 22,457,366 ... 1,079,391
1877 ... 24,547,309 ... 728,350
1878 ... 24,854,397 ... 742,703
1879 ... 25,165,336 ... 800,426
1880 ... 25,480,161 ... 837,940
1881 ... 25,798,922 ... 803,126

These tables also tell their own tale, we see:—

i. That while agriculture remains depressed, trade is reviving, the figures for 1880 and 1881 for England and Wales bringing the fact into strong relief; 2, that as while in 1870 this part of the kingdom had a million of paupers to support, in 1881 it has only 800,000, although the population has in the meantime increased 3,340,000, a marvellous proof of progress; 3, that we appear to be once more embarked on the rising wave of prosperity as a trading and manufacturing nation.

Let us now turn to our criminal statistics.


United Kingdom.

Year.   Population.   Convictions.
1840 ... 26,487,026 ... 34,030
1850 ... 27,523,694 ... 41,008
1860 ... 28,778,411 ... 17,461
1870 ... 31,205,444 ... 18,401
1879 ... 34,155,126 ... 16,823
1880 ... 34,468,552 ... 15,643

Do these figures require a word of comment?

Let us now turn to the matter of education.


United Kingdom.

Year.   Schools
  Accommodation.   Average
1863 ... 7,739 ... 1,512,782 ... 1,008,925
1869 ... 10,337 ... 2,076,344 ... 1,332,786
1874 ... 15,671 ... 3,344,071 ... 1,985,394
1879 ... 20,169 ... 4,727,853 ... 2,980,104
1880 ... 20,670 ... 4,842,807 ... 3,155,534