Page:The reciprocity craze.djvu/38

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On taking up Martin's "Statesman's Year Book for 1881," I find that, for the ten years ending 1879—the last year given—the figures stand thus for her Imports and Exports:—

Imports for Home Consumption £1,494,713,400
Exports of Home Produce 1,387,392,480
Excess of Imports 107,320,920

But, there is last year, 1880, and I find that Mulhall in his "Balance Sheet of the World" puts down France's excess of imports for that year as 63 millions, which brings up the total excess for eleven years to 170 millions! In 1870, however, France exported on balance 3 millions, so that the fact is that France for the last ten years has imported on balance, on the average, 17 millions, not 4 millions! But, to stop here would be to give a very inadequate notion of what France is doing in the way of imports and exports, for I find that

In 1876 her excess imports were £16,500,000
〟 1877 10,800,000
〟 1878 43,600,000
〟 1879 57,200,000
〟 1880 63,000,000

So that France, though Protectionist, is actually, according to our new school of writers, going down hill along with free trading England!

But does it not seem extraordinary that in the face of these figures we should be given to understand that France imports annually only £4,000,000 more than she exports?

At all events, he admits that France imports more than she exports. But, this is in direct contradiction to his fellow in the Quarterly, who, as we have seen, asserts that France exports more than she imports! These two Neo-Protectionists, therefore, are at direct variance with each other on a matter of fact forming the very basis of their argument!

"Arcades ambo
Et cantare pares et respondere parati."

The only thing on which they are agreed is praise of Protection and vilification of Free Trade.

Here I leave them, commending to them Mr. Gladstone's recent advice to Lord Randolph Churchill, to "avoid facts and logic, and stick to rhetoric and declamation."