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The Record Interpreter.
- about̃ aboutant.
- acãe à cause.
- acqr acquéreur.
- ac͛s acres.
- adat advocat.
- adcat advocat.
- adioner adjourner.
- aff̴es affaires.
- ag̃able agréable.
- aiam̃ à jamais.
amde amende.
angt Angleterre.
aon action.
ape ans appellans.
app on appellation.
appra appartiendra.
appre apparoistre.
- app s appartenans.
appt appert. appten appartenant. appu approuver. apteii appartenant. aps flares, arp arpent, arpens. arrest arrester.
arr s ar re rages.
ascefi ascension.
assig on assignation.
assi r assigner.
ass r assavoir.
asse assise.
asson assignation.
assr assavoir, assigner.
attempmt attemprement.
aud aw^. auecqs avecques.
- ↑ In French writing of the 15th and 16th centuries, in a cursive hand, the abbreviations are often very carelessly made — as ã for ā p̃ for ꝑ, so that type does not exactly represent the forms used If a word is not found in this list with the exact abbreviation occurring in a MS., it may be found with some similar form.