The Record Interpreter.
- agalauda:—a plover, probably a pewit.
- agalma:—an image on a seal.
- agaseus:—a gazehound.
- agellarius:—a hayward; a herdward.
- agellus:—a hamlet.
- agenda:—business; the office of the Mass or other service; a priest's daily office.
- agenfrida:—a lord or owner.
- agerarius:—a farmer's dog.
- aggreare se:—to agree.
- agillarius:—a hay ward or herdward; a keeper of cattle on a common.
- agisamentum:—a masquerade.
- agistamentum:—right of pasturage; the sum paid for this right; assignment of it.
- agistare:—to assign pasturage for cattle, esp. in a forest.
- agistatce terræ:—lands whose owners are bound to keep up sea walls.
- agistator:—an agister or gyst taker, an officer who assigns the pasturage in a forest.
- agistiamentum. See agistamentum.
- agitatio animalium in foresta:—the drift or view of beasts in the forest.
- agna:—a gold coin, 14th cent.
- agnatio:—lambing.
- agnellatio, agnilatio:—lambing.
- Agnus Dei:—an oval piece of white wax, stamped with the figure of a lamb, and consecrated.
- agontea:—a champion (agonista).
- agreamentum:—agreement.
- agreare se:—to agree.
- agredula:—a titmouse.
- agri:—arable land in the common fields.
- aimellatus:—enamelled.
- ainescia:—the right of the eldest. See esnecia.
- aira:—an eyrie, the nest of an eagle, a falcon, or a swan.
- aisiamentum, aisimentum:—liberty of passage; easement.
- aisnecca:—a ship. (A.-S. snacc.)
- aisya:—convenience.
- akermannus:—a small farmer. (A.-S. æcer mon.) Their holding was less than that of the viryatarii, but from comparison of rent must have been more than an acre.
- aketonum:—a haqueton, a gambeson, a padded or quilted tunic.
- ala:—the aisle of a church.
- alabastarius:—a croesbowman (arcubalistarius).
- alabrum:—a reel.
- alamandina:—a stone coloured like a garnet.
- alanerarius:—a keeper of dogs (alans) or hawks (lanners).
- alanus:—a large hound.
- alatera, alatoria, alatorium, alatura:—a covered way or walk; a piazza.
- alaudarius:—a hobby hawk (falco subbuteo).