Glossary of Latin Words.
- cambra. See camera.
- cambuca, cambuta:—a pastoral staff, a crosier.
- cambucarius:—one who bears a crosier.
- cambutio:—exchange.
- cambuttce:—stilts; crutches.
- camelotum:—camel's hair cloth.
- camera:—a crooked plot of ground; a chamber.
- camera stellata:—the Star Chamber.
- cameralis:—chamber (adj.).
- cameraria:—the office of chamberlain.
- camerarius:—a chamberlain.
- cameria:—the office of chamberlain.
- camerlengus:— -a chamberlain.
- camicia:—a shirt.
- caminus, caminum:—a road; a chamber; a chimney; a stove.
- camisia:—a shirt; an alb.
- camoca:—a silken garment.
- campana:—a bell.
- campanarium:—a belfry.
- campanarius:—a bell founder.
- campanella:—a little bell.
- campania:—open country.
- campanile:—a belfry.
- campanus:—country (adj.).
- campartum:—part of a larger field, which would otherwise be in common; or the right of the lord to take a certain share of the crop.
- campedulum:—a cope.
- campertum. See campartum.
- campestraits:—open country.
- campestratus:—wearing short drawers.
- campio:—a champion.
- campipars. See campartum.
- campiparticeps:—a champertor.
- campipartitio:—champerty, a bargain with the plaintiff or defendant in a suit to have part of the thing sued for.
- campsare:—to exchange, to traffic.
- campsor:—a banker; an exchanger; an exchequer officer.
- campus:—field (heraldic).
- canabasium, canabus:—canvas.
- canapeum:—a canopy.
- canardus:—a great ship.
- cancella:—the chancel of a church.
- cancellare:—to delete writing by drawing lines across it; to cancel.
- cancellaria:—chancery.
- cancellarius:—a chancellor.
- cancellatura:—cancelling.
- cancellum:—the chancel of a church.
- cancera:—a crab, a sort of capstan for moving heavy weights.
- candelaria:—Candlemas.
- candelarius:—a chandler.
- candelatio:—Candlemas.
- candelossa:—Candlemas.
- candidare:—to wash clothes.