Glossary of Latin Words.
- contrafactor:—an imitator, a forger.
- contrafactura:— a counterfeit.
- contraiare:— to oppose.
- contramandatum:—a lawful excuse which a defendant alleges by attorney, to show that the plaintiff has no cause of complaint.
- contramurale:— an outwork.
- contraplacitum:—a counter-plea.
- contrapositio:— a plea or answer.
- contrariare:—to oppose.
- contrariparius:— a corrival, a dweller on the opposite bank; a beater on the opposite side of a river when hawking.
- contrarotulatio:—comptrolment.
- contrarotulator:— a comptroller.
- contrarotulum:—a counter-roll.
- contrata:— a country.
- contratallia:— a counter-tally.
- contratalliator:—a counter-talleyer.
- contrivare:—to contrive.
- controfacere:—to counterfeit.
- contus:—a pestle.
- conus:—a corner.
- conveancia:—conveyance.
- conveare: —to convey.
- conveiancia:—a conveyance.
- convenire—to summon, to convene.
- conventinare:—to covenant.
- conventio:—a covenant.
- conventional:—to covenant.
- conversus:—a lay monk, lay brother; a converted Jew or Mahommedan.
- conviator:— a fellow traveller.
- convitiare:—to rail at.
- cooperlectorium:—a coverlet.
- coopero. See coprones.
- coopertia, coopertio:— bark and brokea wood of felled trees.
- coopertor:— a tiler; a thatcher.
- coopertorium:— a coverlet; a roof; a cuirass.
- coopertum:—covert.
- coopertura:— a covert; a cuirass; coverture, the condition of a married woman; thatch.
- coopertus equus:—a barded horse.
- coopicium:—coppice.
- copa:— a cop of corn, " sc. xx. garbte " (Sussex); of peas, 15 or 16 sheaves.
- coparcenaria:—coparcenary.
- coparticeps:— a coparcener.
- copecia:—coppice.
- copero. See coprones.
- coperosa:— copperas.
- copertorium. See coopertorium.
- copertum:— cover for game.
- cophinus:—a coffer; a coffin.
- copia:—a copy.
- copiare: —to copy.
- copicia:—a coppice.
- copla:—a couple.
- copo:—twigs.
- coppa. See copa.
- coppatus:—coppice.