Glossary of Latin Words.
- fornagium:—payment by tenants bound to bake in the lord's oven, or for the right to use their own; a baker's profit; hearth- money; fuel.
- fornire:—to heat.
- forpices:—shears.
- forprisum:—an exception.
- forrare, forrari:—to forage.
- forrerius:—a harbinger.
- forsefacere:—to forfeit.
- forstallare, &c, See forestallare, &c.
- forsula:—a fortress.
- fortalicium, fortallisstum:—a fortress, a castle.
- fortelecium, fortellescum. See furtalicium.
- fortericia:—a fortress.
- fortia:—power. See forcia.
- fortiare:—to force; to fortify.
- fortificare:—to fortify.
- fortilagium:—a fortress.
- fortitudo:—force; an army.
- fortuna:—treasure trove.
- fortunare:—to happen.
- fortunium:—a tournament.
- foruhtha:—a measure of land.
- forulus:—a bin; a sheath.
- forum:—often means " price."
- forura:—fur.
- forurda:—a measure of land.
- forus:—right or custom.
- fossa:—a mound, a dike, as well as a ditch.
- fossagium:—contribution for making ditches.
- fossare:—to ditch.
- fossatum:—a place surrounded by a ditch; a ditch; a dike; a mound.
- fossatura:—fortification by ditches.
- fossiculus:—a basket (?); a fostle, i.e. a stake used in making a fold.
- fossorium:—a mould.
- fossus:—a ditch.
- futmellum:—a measure of lead; a fother (?).
- fotor:—a lapdog, "a comforter."
- founinare:—to bring forth young (of deer).
- founinus: —of a fawn.
- foufium:—a fawn.
- fousura:—work done byamason; digging foundations (?).
- fovea:—a burial-place.
- foveator:—a gravedigger.
- fractillosus:—dagged, jagged (of clothes).
- fractillum:—a pepper mill.
- fractillus:—a dag, jag.
- fractitium:—arable land.
- fraellum, frahellum:—a frail; a basket; a weight of raisins, 70 lbs.
- fraeria:—a fraternity; a brotherhood.
- fraginellus:—a cracknel.
- fagus:—the wrist or other joint.
- frailum. See fraellum.
- framatura:—making a frame; framework.
- franca petra:—freestone.