Page:The record interpreter- a collection of abbreviations.djvu/281

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Glossary of Latin Words.
  • hostagium:—hostage. See also hospitium and hostelagium.
  • hostelayium:—a lord's right of being lodged by his tenants.
  • hostelarium. See hospitalaria.
  • hostellarius:—an innkeeper. See also hospitalaruis.
  • hosteria:—a ciborium, q.v.
  • hosterium:—a hoe.
  • hostia:—the consecrated wafer.
  • hostiagius:—a hostage.
  • hostiaratus, hostiaria:—the office of usher or doorkeeper, one of the minor orders.
  • hostiarius:—an usher.
  • hosticins:—a porch.
  • hostilagium. See hostelagium.
  • hostillaria. See hospitalaria.
  • hostillarius:—an ostler. See hospitalarius.
  • hostium. For ostium.
  • hostorcus:—a goshawk (astur palumbarius).
  • hostorium:—a strickle for measuring corn.
  • hostorius:—a goshawk.
  • hostria. See hospitalaria.
  • hostricus:—a goshawk.
  • huca:—a hewke, a frock or mantle.
  • hucea:—housing of a horse; a gown.
  • huchea:—a hutch.
  • hudagium. See hidagium.
  • hugia:—a hoy; a hutch.
  • huisserium:—a ship for conveying horses.
  • huisserius:—an usher.
  • hulcus. See hulka.
  • huldare:—to plank, to put campsheathing on a bank.
  • hulla:—a large ship, a transport ship.
  • hullus:—a hill.
  • hulmus:—a holm, a meadow on a river bank, or an island.
  • humagium:—a marshy place; homage.
  • hummulina:—beer.
  • hundreda. See hundredum.
  • hundredarius:—a hundredor, a juror in a case concerning land who lives in the hundred in which the land is; a bailiff of a hundred.
  • hundredum:—a hundred, a division of a shire; a hundred court; payment due from a hundred; fine from the hundredors for non-appearance at the court.
  • hura:—a hure, a coarse cap.
  • hurarius:—a hurrer, a maker of hures.
  • hurdicius:—a hurdle; a military engine to protect the assailants of a fortress; a hoarding.
  • hurtardus, hurtus:—a ram.
  • husa:—a horsecloth; housing.
  • husbandrea:—a farmhouse; a farm.
  • husbandus:—a farmer; a peasant.
  • huscarla, huscarlius:—a household servant; a military retainer attached to the lord's household.
  • huscus:—a holm.
  • husebondus:—a husband, in the sense of economy.