The Record Interpreter.
- panella, panellum:—a panel; a list of jurors' names.
- panellare:—to empanel.
- panellus:—a panel; a cushion; a net; a small loaf.
- panerius:—a panier, a bread-basket.
- panesculus:—a small loaf.
- panetaria:—a pantry.
- panetarius, panetrarius:—a pantler, or panter.
- panetria:—a pantry. In some cases this word is used as if it were derived from pannus, not pants.
- panicius:—a baker.
- panigeria:—a fair or market.
- panna:—squared timber supporting the rafters, or a gutter between the roofs of two houses; a cross beam. (Fr. panne).
- pannagiare:—to pasture pigs; to pay pannage.
- pannagium:—pannage; mast; payment or licence for feeding swine in a forest.
- pannarius:—a clothier.
- pannicipium:—a closet, a press.
- panniculus:—a napkin.
- pannideusium:—a button.
- pannucia:—party-cloth, cloth of divers colours.
- pannus:—cloth; a weaver's spittle or spool.
- pantaria, pantria:—a pantry.
- paonacius:—purple.
- papa:—a pope.
- papatum:—pap, child's food.
- papatus:—popedom; papacy.
- papilio:—a tent, a pavilion.
- papilonarius:—a tentmaker.
- papirium:—a record room; a register.
- par:—a pair; a peer.
- par civitatis:—a citizen; a freeman.
- paruchinus, parachina:—a parishioner.
- parafredus:—a palfrey.
- paragium:— equality of condition or property; a tenure between parceners.
- paramentum:—equipment; ornament.
- paraphernalia:—furnituro, clothes, &c, which a widow may claim in addition to her dower or jointure.
- paraphonista:—a chorister.
- paraphus:—a paragraph.
- pararia. See petraria.
- pararius:—a cloth dresser.
- parasceue:—Good Friday; any Friday.
- parastica:—the step of a mast.
- paraticum. See paragium.
- parcaminarius:—a seller of parchment.
- parcare:—to enclose.
- parcarius:—a parker; a pinder; a foldkeeper.
- parcella:—a parcel (of land).
- parcella terras:—"Anglice vocata: A Noke Land." (Valor Eccl. iij. 35.)
- parcellare:—to parcel out.