The Record Interpreter.
- passarius:—a ferryman.
- passator:—the owner of a ferry; a ferryman.
- passtagiarius:—a ferryman.
- passiator. See passator.
- passionerius:—a passioner, i.e., book containing Saints' lives.
- passus:—a portion of a book or poem, "fytte "; a mountain pass.
- pasta:—dough; pastry.
- pasted:—pastry.
- pastellarius:—a pieman.
- pastellum:—woad.
- pasteria:—pastry.
- pasticium:—-a field for pasture.
- pastillus:—a pie.
- pastum:—paste; dough.
- pastura:— pasture.
- pasturare:—to depasture.
- pastus:—provisions which a tenant is bound to supply to his lord.
- patella:—a pan; a tool used in building.
- patena:—a metal plate; a paten.
- patenarius:—an acolyte.
- patens, patenta: —letters patent.
- pathnagium:—pannage.
- paticium:—an allowance.
- patriaster:—a stepfather.
- patricinium:—used for patrocinium.
- patrina:—a godmother.
- patrinus:—a godfather.
- patronicatus:—commanded (of a ship).
- patronizare:—to defend.
- paunagium:—pannage.
- pausa:—a barrel.
- pausatio:—repose.
- pavagium:—pavage; pavment for paving the roads.
- pavare:—to pave.
- paveillo:—a tent.
- pavesium:—a pavice, a large shield.
- paviare:—to pave.
- paviator:—a paviour.
- pavilio:—a tent.
- pavimentatio:—paving.
- pavire:—to pave.
- pax:—a small tablet presented by the priest at mass to be kissed by the people.
- paxeria:—a pier; a floodgate.
- paxillum:— a staff; a landmark; a tent pole.
- peccum:—a peck.
- pecia:—a piece or small quantity.
- peciatum:—a peck.
- peconus:—a hook or clasp.
- pectorale:—a breastplate; an ornament worn by a bishop; a horse's poitrel.
- pectrix:—a woman comber.
- pecuarius:—a grazier.
- pedagium:— pedage; toll paid by travellers, esp. through forests.
- pedale:—a footcloth; a duty exacted at Bordeaux; a shoemaker's last.
- pedalis pons:—a footbridge.