Glossary of Latin Words.
- porcellatus:—born (of pigs).
- porchettus:—a porker, a little pig.
- porchia:—a porch.
- porkaria:—a pigsty.
- porpecia, porpesius:—a porpoise (phocæna communis).
- porportum:—purport.
- portabilis:—portable.
- portagium:—toll taken at a gate; porterage; wear and tear.
- portamentum:—behaviour.
- portaria:—the office of porter.
- portarius:—a porter.
- porlatio:—the entry of a bishop into his cathedral town; bearing arms.
- portator:—a porter.
- portutus:—carriage.
- portella:—a small gate; a basket; a reliquary.
- portgrevius:—a portreeve.
- porticulus:—a truncheon.
- portions:—an apse or porch, not a peristyle as in classical Latin.
- portiforium:—a breviary.
- portimotus. See portmota.
- portionarius:—a joint holder of a benefice.
- portmota:—a portmote, a court held in towns.
- poms:—a pore.
- positio:—an impost; a tax.
- posse (subst.):—power.
- possessionatus:—in possession of.
- posta:—a station; a post.
- postarum, magister: —Master of the Post.
- postdisseisina:—postdisseisin.
- postela:—a crupper.
- postergare:—to leave behind, to abandon.
- posterna:—a postern gate.
- posterula, posticum:—a postern gate.
- postilla:—a homily.
- postillare:— to interpret, to comment on.
- postorellus:—a name given to robbers in Gascony, temp. Edw. II.
- postsellium:—the hinder part of a saddle.
- postulare:—to transfer a man in possession of or elect of an episcopal see, to another.
- potagium:—pottage; a tax on drink.
- potata:—a pot or pottle.
- potellum:—a pottle, two quarts.
- poteria:—pottery; a pottery.
- potestas:—a king, chief ruler, or magistrate.
- poticarius. For apothecarius.
- potionare:—to poison.
- potissare:—to sip.
- pottarius:—a potter.
- pottata:—a pot or pottle.
- pottus:—a pot.
- potura:— pasture; drink.
- poudratus:—powdered; salted.
- poutura. See potura.
- powenatins:—a garment of cloth.
- practisare, practizare:—to practise.
- præbenda:—commons; a prebend; provender.