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Glossary of Latin Words.
- thuribulum:—a censer.
- thymallus:—a smelt (salmo eperlanus); a grayling (salmo thymallus).
- tia:—an aunt on the mother's side.
- tibialia:—stockings.
- tibisare:—to address in the singular.
- ticendulum:—a wick of a lamp.
- tilerium:—a trigger (?); a tiller (?).
- tillagium:—tillage.
- timbrellus:—a small assembly (Skene, De verborum significatione). See tumbrellum.
- timbria:—a timber of fur, a bundle of 40.
- timorare:—to frighten.
- timoratus:—God-fearing.
- tina:—a cask, a tun, a tub.
- tinata:—a cask full.
- tinctor:—an oxherd, perhaps an error for tractor.
- tinellus:—a cowlstaff.
- tinettum:—brushwood for repairing hedges.
- tinneum:—tin.
- tiparium. See typarium.
- tipetum:—a tippet, a scarf, generally black, and furred.
- tiplare:—to tipple.
- tippulator:—a tippler.
- tipularia domus:—an alehouse.
- tipus (τῦφος):—pride.
- tira:—a tier, used of the lines of skins in a fur cloak.
- tiriaca:—treacle (theriaca).
- tiro:—a young man intending to become a knight; a young knight, a champion.
- tirocinare:—to be a tiro; to serve in war.
- tirocinium:—knighthood.
- tissutum:—tissue.
- tithinga:—a tithing.
- titulare:—to make a heading or title.
- titulus:—a title.
- toacula, toale, toalle:—a towel.
- todda:—a tod of wool, 281bs.; a certain quantity of grass.
- toftmannus:—the holder of a toft.
- tofta, toftum:—a toft; a place where a house formerly stood.
- togella:—a towel.
- tolcestrum:—tolsester, payment to the lord of the manor for liberty to brew and sell ale.
- tolia:—toll.
- tollagium:—forcible exaction of illegal toll.
- tolletum:—toll.
- tollum:—toll.
- tolnetum:—toll.
- tolnetum de pixide:—toll pixy, a customary payment by artisans and dealers in Gower to the lord.
- tolonarius:—a tollkeeper.
- tolonium:—toll.
- tolta:—wrong, extortion.
- tolta placiti:— a writ removing a cause in a Court Baron into the County Court; the removal of a cause from temporal jurisdiction.