Glossary of Latin Words.
- verrina:—a pane of glass.
- versatilis pons:—a swingbridge.
- versator:—a turnspit.
- versor:—a turner.
- versutius:—"fersouthe."
- vertagus:—a tumbler dog.
- vertebra:—a hinge.
- vertebrum:—a reel.
- vertevella, vertinella:—a hook; a hinge; shears.
- vertitor:—a turner.
- verugirus:—a turnspit.
- veruversorium:—a roasting jack.
- vervella:—vervels, gold or silver rings on a hawk's jesses.
- vesca:—vetch.
- vespera:—vespers, between the 9th hour of the day and night.
- vesperus:—evensong.
- vespilio:—a nocturnal robber.
- vesselamenta:—plate.
- vesta:—crop.
- vestiarium:—a wardrobe; a vestry.
- vestibulum:—a vestry.
- vestigabilis cams:—a sleuth hound.
- vestiplicium :—a clothes press.
- vestire:—to invest.
- vestitura. See vestura.
- vestitus:—a fee or benefice with which the holder is invested.
- vestura:—crop; possession.
- vettrarius. See veltrarius.
- vetuxuale:—toll (for vectigal?).
- veua, veuta:—a view.
- veutrarius. See veltrarius.
- vexillator:—a standardbearer.
- vexillifer:—a standardbearer.
- vexus: —a pack, a bundle.
- viagium:—a voyage.
- vians:—a traveller.
- vibrella:—a cannon.
- vibrellator:—a gunner.
- vicaria:—a vicarage.
- vicariatus:—the office of a vicar.
- vicarius:—a vicar.
- vicecancellarius:—a vice-chancellor.
- vicecomes:—a viscount; a sheriff.
- vicecomitilia:—vicontiels, rents farmed by a sheriff.
- vicedominus:—a vidame, a bishop's deputy in temporal matters.
- vicenarius. See vintarius.
- viceplebanus:—a deputy to a parish priest.
- vicinetum, vicinia:—neighbourhood; venue.
- victinella:—a bolt (from vectis).
- victualarius:—a victualler.
- vicus:—a street.
- viduatus:—widowed.
- vidula:—a fiddle.
- vidulator:—a fiddler.
- viella:—a viol.
- viellator:—a player on the viol.
- vigeria:—the jurisdiction of a vicar.
- vigerius:—a vicar.
- vigilarius:—a monk who woke the others.
- vigilia:—the eve of or day before a feast.
- vigilice:—matins or vigils.
- villa:—a vill or village; a town.