Page:The religions of India.djvu/23

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Preface ix
Introduction xxi
I. The Vedic Religions 138
The Rig-Veda: its Deities, Cultus, and Essential Character 138
II. Brahmanism 39100
1. Ritual—Spread 3963
2. Philosophic Speculations of the Upanishads—The Sankhya and the Vedanta Reaction 6486
3. Decline in Dogmatic and Ritual 87100
III. Buddhism 101139
Buddha and his Teachings—Spirit and Organisation—Decline 101139
IV. Jainism 140152
Affinity with Buddhism—Creed and Cultus 140152
V. Hinduism 153293
1. The Hindu Sects: their Great Deities—Civa, Vishnu, Krishna, Rama—The Avataras—The Trinity 159185
2. Their History and Doctrines—Vishnuism, Çivaism—Influences, Philosophical and Religious 186237
3. The Reforming Sects—Mussulman Influence—The Sikhs 238251
4. Worship—Idolatries—Sacred Symbols and Objects—Festivals—Pilgrimages—Retrospective and Prospective 252293