Page:The religious instruction of the colored population.djvu/17

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I.—Extract from the Charleston Courier, of May 13th.


A large and respectable meeting was held at the Second Presbyterian, Church, on Sabbath, morning, May 9th, after a discourse by Rev. J.B. Adger and an address by Rev C.C. Jones, D.D. on the best mode of aecuring, in an efficient and proper manner, the religious instruction of the colored people. After the reading of the resolutions adopted by the Session of the Church,

On motion of W.C. Dukes, Esq , the Hon. R.B. Gilchrist took the Chair, and introduced the subject with some most appropriate remarks, expressive of the importance and interest of the occasion. Mr. William Miller was requested to act as Secretary.

The following resolutions were then introduced in a very full and able speech by Hon. F.H. Elmore, and seconded, with some additional remarks, by Alexander Black, Esq.:

Resolved, That, in the opinion of this meeting, the proper religious instruction of the colored population is a duty pressed upon us by considerations of sound policy, as well as Christian obligation.

Resolved, That we concur entirely in the opinions expressed by the Session of this Church and by the Presbytery of Charleston, that, in order that such instruction should be given efficiently, and, at the same time, with proper safe-guards, it must be afforded by thoroughly educated ministers, of sound principles, who are devoted to the welfare of that people, and who understand our institutions.

Resolved, That the offer of the Rev. John B. Adger, to devote himself gratuitously to this work of piety and usefulness, embodying, as he docs, in himself, all the qualifications desirable for this delicate and responsible office, should be accepted, and the funds be immediately subscribed for the erection of a Church for a colored congregation under his ministry.

Resolved, That a subscription for this object be now opened to raise the funds necessary, to be received by the committee appointed by the Session, and expended under their management.

The meeting then having given an opportunity to all present of subscribing, the meeting was adjourned.

R.B. GILCHRIST, Chairman.
William Miller, Secretary.

II.—Extract from the published Minutes of the Presbytery of Charleston, at their late meeting at Barnwell Court House, April, 1847.

The Special Committee, (Rev. Drs. Thornwell and Howe.) to whom was referred the propriety of establishing a Church for the colored