Page:The republics of Latin America (IA republicsoflatin00jame).djvu/16

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with important collections of sources, monographic material, and works on special periods or subjects.

The attempt to combine in a text of reasonable size satisfactory accounts of the history and government of our twenty sister republics is one whose difficulties the writers are the first to acknowledge. They willingly concede that few, if any, of their fellow teachers will be in complete agreement with the methods followed or the proportions assigned to each of the major topics. At the same time they venture to hope that the present work will prove of service not only to teachers and students, but also to that larger circle of general readers who are desirous of gaining an acquaintance with the achievements, institutions, and problems of our American neighbors.


The gratifying reception accorded this book not only by the general reading public but more especially also by instructors in Latin American History and Government in secondary schools, colleges, and universities has proved that with all its admitted shortcomings it has filled a real need in the text book field.

In this second edition the authors have made a special effort not merely to correct typographical and other errors that inevi- tably escaped detection in the first edition, but also to bring the work as far as possible completely up to date on the statistical side. Figures relating to population, governmental budgets, and economic conditions have been revised in the light of the latest available authentic information, and a note has been added to the "Bibliography" calling attention to the more important works in the field that have appeared since the first edition was published.

The authors wish to acknowledge the helpful suggestions re- ceived from many kind friends, too numerous to mention, calling attention to errors or omissions, and indicating other ways in which the book may be made more useful. Many of these latter suggestions the authors hope to be able to incorporate into a later, more completely revised, edition.

P. A. M.

November, 1924.
