Page:The republics of Latin America (IA republicsoflatin00jame).djvu/392

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colonial period a jealousy of the authorities at Guatemala, while within the provinces the other towns were jealous of the authorities in their own local capitals. The government was vested in a provisional junta with Gainza as captain-general and a call was issued for elections to choose a national congress to meet on March 1, 1822. There was from the first a vital difference of opinion between two groups, the Republicans who favored the establishment of a federal republic, and the Conservatives who favored the union of Central America with the empire of Iturbide, signalized by the triumphant entry of Iturbide into Mexico City on September 27, 1821. Influenced by disturbances that broke out in Honduras and Nicaragua, the junta of Guatemala, without waiting for the assembling of the congress, on January 25, 1822, decreed the annexation of the former captaincy-general with Mexico. Throughout the country there was violent opposition to this action and a force of Mexican soldiers was needed to overcome the opposition of the Republicans in San Salvador. The provisional junta at Guatemala had dissolved itself on February 21st and Gainza exercised governmental power with the aid of a committee. In a large part of the territory, however, the act of union and the authority of Gainza were not recognized. On June 12th Vicente Filisola, the Mexican commander, superseded Gainza in charge of the government. On November 4th, the Mexican government decreed the division of the former captaincy-general into three comandancías, and Filisola marched upon San Salvador, where opposition to the union with Mexico centered. On February 9th he entered the city of San Salvador and returned to Guatemala on March 6th. Meanwhile Iturbide had been overthrown (he abdicated on March 18th) and Filisola, no longer bound to attempt the incorporation of Central America with Mexico by force, called a congress of representatives of all the provinces of Central America in execution of the plan adopted upon the declaration of independence.

This Congress assembled on June 24, 1823. On July 2d it assumed the title and role of the National Constituent Assembly,