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Page:The reputed fossil man of the Neanderthal (IA biostor-195152).pdf/11

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Explanation of Plate I

Fig. 1.—Right Side of Neanderthal Skull.

A. A. Glabello-occipital plane.

B. B. Line intersecting the forehead at right angles to the last plane through both outer orbital processes.

(These lines are interrupted so as not to obscure any parts of the skull.)

a to a´. Border of squamosal impression.

(Letter 'a' is just below the widest part of the skull.)

b. ? Alisphenoid.

c. Portion of additamentum

Fig. 2.—Top of Neanderthal Skull.

a, a. Outer orbital processes.

The transverse line on the middle of skull represents the coronal suture. (This and the corresponding line in Fig. 1 are copied from Busk's figures.)

The semicircular line at the posterior part of skull represents the lambdoidal suture.

The medio-longitudinal line represents the sagittal suture.

Fig. 3.—Front of Neanderthal Skull.

a, a. Outer orbital processes or horns of the brow-ridges.

b. Inter-orbital sjjace.

c. Portion of roof-plate of right orbital cavity.

(Only the anterior half of the frontal bone is represented.)

The Figures in this plate are taken from a plaster cast.

Explanation of Plate II

Fig. 1.—Right Parietal of a Human (Irish) Skull.

a. Coronal edge.

b. Lambdoidal edge.

c. Sagittal edge.

d. Squamosal edge.

Fig. 2.—Right Parietal of Neanderthal Skull.

a, b, c, d. Same as in last Figure.

e. Additamental edge.

Fig. 3.—Occipital of a Human {Irish) Skull.

a a, Lambdoidal edge.

b, b. Transverse ridges.

c. Occipital or posterior tubercle.

Fig. 4.—Occipital of Neanderthal Skull.

Letter same as in last Figure.

Fig. 5.—Right Side-view of Dome of Human Skull

A A. Glabello-occipital plane.

B B. Glabello-occipital intersecting plane.

a. Frontal.

b. Parietal. (The letter is on the centre of ossification and widest part of the skull.)

c. Occipital

d. Temporal.

e. Alisphenoid.