Page:The roamer and other poems (1920).djvu/105

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Hath but its moment of infinity,
And no continuance anywhere is found
Save in the One, the Formless, undiscerned.
Hath heaven heard Him, in what skies He dwells?
A million orbs divide the region up;
A million beauties multiply on earth;
A million joys traffic in all men's hearts.
Seek ye in multitudes the Infinite One?
Seek ye in mortal bloom the Heavenly Rose?
Seek ye in endless nothingness the Whole?
Innumerable annihilation gnaws,
And infinite division, multiplied,
Unbinds the universe. Look you, how swift
The flood of waters sweeps Niagara's fall!
The hanging mass pours its eternal curve;
It sinks in billowing drifts of radiant spray,
And each drop shares the rainbow, rising up;
And the deep, fallen river chafes along,
And never more repairs its majesty.
Even so dissolves the godless universe."
And ever, speaking, he in thought beheld
Proteus, the god, sweet Adon's garden saw,
And all the mystery of life and death,
Nature's hard miracle. "The seasons change:
'T is birth,—'t is death,—'t is resurrection,—aye

The infinite cycle on itself returns