Page:The roamer and other poems (1920).djvu/69

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Won on the shining borders of the world
Regions of vision; evermore the bird
Hung in the morning sky above my heart,
As if I too should follow and fly with it
To morrows without end; the still noon dreamt
And unseen armor on the ether clanged
Virgilian music; and the paths of sleep
Shone with white garments, gleamed with myrtle crowns
Of youth in triumph bearing boughs of spring;
Then darkened was the hollow cloud of dream,
And, angel-watched, a glory-lighted face
Shining on heaven through flowers of martyrdom
Filled my faint eyes with peace more sweet than joy;
And still the bird in every vision flew
As he would woo me to some world removed,
Forever breaking, lingering, biding nigh,
Till came the Word. 'T was by the marble brook
That jets neglected in the gray-walled cirque
Where slept the Wolf in stone and slept the law;
Silent, I gazed upon the mightier age
Tombed in those walls austere; the bird in air
Shadowed the fountain, and a monk passed by
Dark by those snowy wings; and all at once

The poppy-branch struck on my dream-drenched eyes,