Page:The school law of Michigan.djvu/67

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APPROVAL OF STATE BOARD. examine any course of study in the science and art of teaching that may be submitted to it by the trustees of any college and, if satisfactory, to furnish such trustees with a written certificate approving the same. If, at any time the said board of education concludes that any college, whose graduates may desire to WITHDRAWING OF APPROVAL. receive such certificate, is not giving such instruction in the science and art of teaching and in the other branches as shall be approved by it, then said board shall so determine by a formal resolution and shall give notice thereof to the trustees of such college; and thereafter no teachers’ certificates shall be given by said board to the graduates of such college, until said board shall be satisfied that proper instruction in the science and art of teaching and in other branches is given by such college, and the board shall certify such fact to the trustees of such college (Act 136, 1893).


GRANTED BY FACULTY. The faculty of the department of literature, science, and the arts, of the university of Michigan, shall give to every person receiving a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctor’s degree, or a teacher’s diploma for work done in the science and the art of teaching from said university, a certificate, which shall serve as a legal certificate of qualification to teach in any of the schools of this state, when a copy thereof has been filed or recorded in the office of the legal examining officer or officers of the county, township, city, or district.

Such certificate shall not be liable to be annulled except by SUSPENSION OF CERTIFICATE. the said faculty of the university; but its effect may be suspended in any county, township, city or district, and the holder thereof may be stricken from the list of qualified teachers in such county, township, city, or district, by the legal examining officer or officers of the said county, township, city, or district, for any cause and in