Page:The school law of Michigan.djvu/71

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said superintendent or conductor, from the institute fund in his hands, the amount of said order (5191).

STATE AID. In case the institute fund in any county is insufficient to defray the necessary expenses of any institute held under the provisions of this act, the auditor general shall, upon the certificate of the superintendent that he has made arrangements for holding such institute and that the county institute fund is insufficient to meet the expenses thereof, draw his warrant upon the state treasurer for such additional sum as said superintendent shall deem necessary for conducting such institute, which sum shall not exceed sixty dollars for each institute of five days’ duration (5191a).

GENERAL INSTITUTE. The superintendent is authorized to hold, once in each year, an institute for the state at large, to be denominated a state institute; and for the purpose of defraying the necessary expenses of such institute, the auditor general shall, on the certificate of said superintendent that he has made arrangements for holding such institute, draw his warrant upon the state treasurer for such sum as said superintendent shall deem necessary for conducting such institute, which sum shall not exceed four hundred dollars and shall be paid out of the general fund: Provided, That not more than eighteen hundred dollars shall be drawn from the treasury, or any greater liability incurred in any one year, to meet the provisions of this law (5192).

VOUCHERS. The Superintendent of Public Instruction or the conductor drawing money from the county treasurer, shall, at the close of each institute, furnish to the county treasurer vouchers for all payments from the same; and he shall return to the county treasurer whatever of the amount may remain unexpended, to be replaced in the institute fund (5193).