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The author of following work holds a high place among the spiritual writers of the Church. Living in an age of saints and doctors, Ven. Louis of Granada occupies a remarkable position among those who, during the sixteenth century, illumined the Church, particularly in Spain, by their sanctity and learning.

Though he has not been canonized, his memory is in benediction, for he died with a reputation for undoubted holiness, and time has confirmed the judgement of his contemporaries.

The esteem in which he was held by Pope Gregory XIII. and St. Charles Borromeo is well known to readers of their lives. The letter addressed to him by this Pontiff, which is published with this edition, shows how Gregory appreciated his genius and piety, and what a value he placed on his services to the Church. St. Charles used his works almost exclusively

for preaching. Pope Sixtus V. offered him a