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The Sinner's Guide

suffice to fill a world. If to these are added the many other grievous crimes of which thou hast been guilty, consider the treasure of vengeance and wrath which a long life of sin will heap up against thee.

If to the considerations already given we add a brief reflection on the gratitude of men, it will help us realize, in some measure, the severity of the punishment inflicted upon the sinner. Contemplate God's goodness to men; the benefits He has heaped upon them; the means He has given them to practise virtue; the iniquities He has forgiven them; the evils from which He has delivered them. Consider, moreover, the ingratitude of men for all these blessings; their many treasons and rebellions against God; their contempt of His laws, which they trample under foot for a paltry interest, and often through malice or mere caprice. What, then, can they expect who have thus outraged God's mercy, who, in the words of the Apostle, have "trodden under foot the Son of God, and have esteemed the blood of the testament unclean by which they were sanctified"?[1] God is a just Judge, and their punishment will be proportioned to their crimes. Remember the majesty of Him Who has been offended, and consider the sufferings of that body and soul which must offer satisfaction for such an outrage. If the Blood of Christ were needed to make reparation for man's offences, the dignity of the Victim supplying what was lacking in the severity of His sufferings, how terrible will be those suffer-

  1. Heb. x. 29.