our Master, because He instructs us; our Physician, because He heals us; and our Guardian, because He watches over us. Holy Scripture is full of these names. But the tenderest of all, the one which best expresses His love, is that of Spouse, which occurs most frequently in the Canticle of Canticles, though mentioned many times in other parts of the Scriptures. With this name would He have even sinners invoke Him: "From this time call to Me: Thou art my Father, the Guide of my virginity."[1]
But why seek in Scripture various names? Cannot every name expressive of good be applied to our Saviour? Does not he who seeks and loves Him find in Him the fulfilment of all his desires? Hence, St. Ambrose says: "We possess all things in Christ, or rather Christ is all things to us. If you would be healed of your wounds, He is a Physician; if you thirst, He is a living Fountain; if you fear death, He is your Life; if you are weary of the burden of sin, He is your Justification; if you hate darkness, He is uncreated Light; if you would reach Heaven, He is the Way; if you hunger, He is your Food."[2] Behold how numerous are the titles which represent this one and indivisible God, Who is all things to us for the healing of our innumerable infirmities.
We have selected a few of the passages of Scripture bearing on our subject, to comfort the just and to win and encourage souls who have not yet begun to serve God. These consoling truths will support them in labor; will