this fall transformed Lucifer, the prince of the angelic hosts, and the bright and beautiful star surpassing in splendor the sun himself. In one moment he lost all his glory, and became not only a demon but the chief of demons. If pure spirits received such punishment, what can you expect, who are but dust and ashes? God is ever the same, and there is no distinction of persons before His justice. Pride is as odious to Him in a man as in an Angel, while humility is equally pleasing to Him in both. Hence St. Augustine says: "Humility makes men Angels, and pride makes Angels devils." And St. Bernard tells us: “Pride precipitates man from the highest elevation to the lowest abyss, but humility raises him from the lowest abyss to the highest elevation. Through pride the Angels fell from Heaven to hell, and through humility man is raised from earth to Heaven."
After this reflect on that astonishing example of humility given us by the Son of God, Who for love of us took upon Himself a nature so infinitely beneath His own, and "became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross."[1] Let the example of your God teach you, O man! to be obedient. Learn, O dust! to humble yourself. Learn, O clay! to appreciate your baseness. Learn from your God, O Christian! to be "meek and humble of heart."[2] If you disdain to walk in the footsteps of men, will you refuse to follow your God, Who died not only to redeem us but to teach us humility? Look upon yourself and you will find sufficient