Page:The songs of a sentimental bloke (1917).djvu/79

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Pilot Cove

"YOUNG friend," 'e sez… Young friend! Well, spare me days!
Yeh'd think I wus 'is own white-'eaded boy—
The queer ole finger, wiv 'is gentle ways.
"Young friend," 'e sez, "I wish't yeh bofe great joy."
The langwidge that them parson blokes imploy
Fair tickles me. The way 'e bleats an' brays!
"Young friend," 'e sez.

"Young friend," 'e sez… Yes, my Doreen an' me
We're gettin' hitched, all straight an' on the square,
Fer when I torks about the registry—
O 'oly wars ! yeh should 'a' seen 'er stare;
"The registry?" she sez, "I wouldn't dare!
I know a clergyman we'll go an' see"…
"Young friend," 'e sez.

"Young friend," 'e sez. An' then 'e chats me straight;
An' spouts uv death, an' 'ell, an' mortal sins.
"You reckernize this step you contemplate