Page:The spirit of the leader (IA spiritofleader00heyl).pdf/103

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rooms would have heard something about it and would have begun to take sides without knowing what it was all about. This way they've got the question right before their eyes."

"I'll say they have," Littlefield announced with conviction.

In the few minutes that remained before the start of the next period Room 13 put through a resolution to take the school's demands to the City Hall. At 11 o'clock came an outburst of cheering from the second floor, to be followed by the announcement that Room 10 had voted to support Praska. At noon Room 12 paraded to the cafeteria carrying a sign reading:

Clean Streets
and a
Clean School

Just as the earlier classes resumed for the afternoon Room 8, a girl's home room, threw its strength to Praska's course, and the tide of approval and acclaim became a flood.

That afternoon the Northfield Congress met at short notice. Only two motions were made.

"Mr. Chairman," said Perry King, "I move