Page:The spirit of the leader (IA spiritofleader00heyl).pdf/106

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Weights and Measures." They stood in puzzled groups.

"Who let the kindergarten in?" a voice asked with a laugh.

Praska's face flushed.

A man came down the wide stairway, stared at them, and abruptly quickened his pace.

"What is it?" he asked good-naturedly, "a riot?"

"A delegation," said Praska.

"Oh! Anybody you want to see in particular?"

"We want to see the city commissioners."

"They don't meet to-day. If you want to reach any individual commissioner——"

"We want to see about having a street improved."

The man gave a low whistle of surprise. "The Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements is your oyster. His office is Room 36, third floor. Where are you from?"

"Northfield High."

"The whole school?"

"Yes, sir. More than eight hundred students."

"Caesar's ghost," said the man in a startled voice. Suddenly he made a break up the stairs, only to stop short. "Jim!" he cried and waved toward one of the groups of city employees. "Do me a favor. Call the Morning Herald and ask