Page:The spirit of the leader (IA spiritofleader00heyl).pdf/153

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benches and stepped forward. The Government representative had grown a little tired. His voice had become a monotonous fire of questions. How long have you lived in the United States? Who is the President, the Governor of this State, the United States Senators from this State? How does the State make its laws? What is the lawmaking branch of the United States Government? How is the President elected? Antonio answered the questions with but slight hesitation. The lawyer faced the bench.

"If your Honor please," he said, "I think citizenship should be granted in this case."

The judge did not move. His voice came like the dry rasp of autumn leaves.

"Mr. Miretto?" he asked, "how long have you lived in this country?"

"Twelve years," said the man.

"And this is your first attempt to become a citizen?"

The man shrugged his shoulders. "I did not want to become citizen before."

"Why do you want to become a citizen now?"

"So I can vote for Angelo Introcello. Angelo big boss. Angello got plenty jobs."

"I understand then that this Angello is to be a candidate at the next election?" the judge asked.

"Candidate, yes. Big job City Hall."