Page:The spirit of the leader (IA spiritofleader00heyl).pdf/200

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"Northfield hasn't had a riot."

"We've had disorder."

"Well, why doesn't the faculty suppress it?"

"The faculty will have to, if it keeps up. You know how Dr. Rue feels. He wants the students to learn to control their own affairs. Right now we're falling down. That's where you come in. You sound the call and rally the crowd. Look what a black eye it will be if the faculty has to come in and run this thing for us. It would be the same as though Washington had to step in and run the affairs of a broken-down state."

"And because of that you expect me to pitch into the school with red hot editorials and stir up a smash?"

"I expect the Breeze to do its duty toward the school," Praska said sharply.

"The Breeze does just that when it refuses to blister every time anything goes wrong," Bristow retorted. "Anyway, what has become of the Safety Committee? Can't the Safety Committee handle order? Isn't Lee Merritt chairman of that committee? Do you want me to attack him?"

From the start Praska had hoped that the Safety Committee would be left to sleep in peace. It was the weak spot in his argument. Now that it had been dragged in he knew that he was beaten.