Page:The spirit of the leader (IA spiritofleader00heyl).pdf/206

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man knew, never yet made a committee formidable. And yet it might be that fresh blood would work some sort of miracle. It was worth trying because it was the only thing left to try. Praska caught Perry's glance; a signal passed between them. Perry, astounded, sat still. The signal was repeated. Perry arose to his feet.

"I second the motion," he said gruffly, and sat down. After the meeting he waited for Praska and hotly demanded an explanation.

"Let him try it," Praska said patiently. "It can't make things any worse. He's entitled to a try, anyway."

"You watch," was Perry's gloomy return. "Something funny will come out of this."

Something queer did come of it. Next morning Merritt posted a notice asking for volunteers to join the Safety Committee and preserve discipline.

Big Jim Fry was the first student to send in his name.

Three of Northfield's citizens reacted characteristically to Jim Fry's advent into the forces of law and order. Praska took the news with a worried frown between the eyes. Merritt grew flustered and spoke nervously of asking the Congress to rescind the order to increase the committee. Perry openly and bluntly spoke his mind.

"Personally," he said, "this looks to me like