Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/175

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A.D. 1441-2]

shall be judged high treason: And he that is thereof attainted it shall be done of him as of a traitor to our said Sovereign Lord the King; and that the Justices of Peace, in their Sessions in the said Counties, shall have power to inquire, hear and determine of all such offenders, their abbettors and receivers. And to make process against such persons indicted by two Capias and one Exigend, every capias containing the space of two months at the least betwixt the date of every capias, and the day of the return of the same; and that mention be made in the said Writs of Capias that the Sheriffs of the said Counties for the time being shall make proclamation in their Counties that all such persons indicted shall appear before the said Justices in their Sessions to answer of the matters contained in the said indictmjsnts. Provided also that the Lords Marchers, of whom such offenders, their abettors and Receivers hold lands and tenements, shall have the forfeit of them, and the Lords Marchers the forfeiture of their goods and chattels found within their Seigniories after that they shall be attainted of the offences aforesaid: And that this ordinance shall endure till the end of six years.

A.D. 1441-2]
20 Henry 6, c. 7.

Foreign Merchandise passing through or exported from WALES without Custom paid shall be forfeited.

Item, it is accorded and ordained by the authority aforesaid, That if any hereafter bring any merchandises coming from any parts beyond the sea to any port or place within the land of Wales and after that send into England, and there discharge them out of any ship or vessel, the customs and subsidies thereof to the King not paid; or if any person in any of the said ports and places in Wales ship any wools, woolfels or other merchandise of the staple to be brought to the parts beyond the sea, not customed, nor the subsidy to the King not paid, shall forfeit the same goods and merchandises; and that the King shall have his suit in this behalf in a county next adjoining in England to the port in which such merchandises shall be shipped or brought into Wales: And that this ordinance shall endure till the next Parliament.