Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/191

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A.D. 1534]

Gaol-delivery and every of them, shall have full Power and Authority, to award all Manner of Process, as well of Outlawry as otherwise, against all and every such Offender and Offenders so indicted in manner and Form and according to the Customs and Laws used and accustomed within this Realm of England; and that the said Justices or two of them, afore whom any such Offender shall happen to be outlawed, or attainted by Outlagary, shall immediately upon the same Outlagary or Attainder, direct and send unto the King's Officers of his Lordships Marchers or to their Deputies, or unto the Lord or Lords Marchers of the same Lordship Marcher, or to his or their Officer or Officers, or to their Deputies, wherein such Offence, Murther or Felony shall happen to be done, or where any such Offender, Murtherer or Felon shall happen to be resiant, a Certificate under the Seals of them or two of them, of any such Outlagary or Attainder; commanding them and every of them by the same, under Pain of Forfeiture of a hundred Pounds to the King, to be levied and perceived as well of the Goods, Chattels, Lands and Tenements of the same Lord or Lords Marchers, as of the Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements of the King's Officer there, to apprehend and attach, or cause to be apprehended and attached, the Body or Bodies of the same Offender or Offenders so outlawed or attainted, and safely to keep or cause to be kept, the same Offender or Offenders, till such convenient Time before the next Sessions of the King's Justices of the Gaol-delivery of the Shire where such Offender or Offenders shall happen to be outlawed or attainted, as to the King's Officers of his Lordships Marchers, or to their Deputies, or unto the Lord Marcher or Lords Marchers, of the same Lordship Marcher, or his or their Officer or Officers, or their Deputies, where such Offender and Offenders shall be apprehended, attached, detained and kept, shall be thought expedient for the Conveyance and conducting of the same Offender or Offenders, in Manner and Form following, to be delivered from the King's Officers or their Deputies, or the Lord Marcher or the Lords Marchers, or his or their Officer or officers, to other Persons assigned by this Act to receive and convey such Offender or Offenders, by Indenture to be made between the Deliverer or Deliverers, and the Receiver or Receivers, that is to say, that the King's Officers of his Lordship Marcher, or their Deputies, or the Lord or Lords Marchers of the Lordship Marcher, or his or their Officer or Officers, or their Deputies,