Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/193

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A.D. 1534]

Justices of the Gaol-delivery as by their Discretions shall be thought convenient, that the same Person or Persons shall not from thenceforth commit nor do any Felony, Murther or felonious Offence, nor be accessary to any Felony, Murther or felonious Offence, but at all Times from thenceforth shall be of good Behaviour against the King our Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and Successors, his and their Laws and Subjects, that then the same Justices of Gaol-delivery for the Time being, with and by the Assent, Consent and Agreement of the Lord President, and two of the King's Commissioners, or Council of the Marches for the Time being, or three of them at the least, whereof the I,ord President, or one of the said Council, to be one, shall and may by their Discretions, for one Time only, admit any such Offender to a certain Fine or Sum of Money on him by them to be assessed and taxed, to be surely paid to the King's Use; and shall have full Power and Authority, by this present Act, to discharge any such Offender or Offenders, so arraigned, outlawed, convicted and attainted of all and every such Felony, Murther or felonious Offence, and Accessaries of the same, and of all Executions and Punishments of Death, which the same Offender or Offenders should suffer by the common Laws of this Realm, so that the same Offender or Offenders stand not appealed of the said Felony, Murther or felonious Offence, or as Accessaries of the same Offences, at the Time of his said Discharge; and that every such Offender so discharged, as is above said, shall be for the said Offence or Offences done within any of the King's Lordships Marchers, or any other Lordships Marchers, discharged as well against the King's Highness, his Heirs and Successors, as against all other Lord Marchers, for one Time only.

11. Provided alway, and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That this present Act, or any Thing therein contained, shall not extend nor take place to abridge, deprive or minorate any Liberties, Privilege or Authority of any Lords Marchers, heretofore granted to the same Lord, or lawfully used or accustomed by the said Lord or any of his Ancestors, unless the foresaid Offenders happen to be indicted, outlawed, arraigned, convicted or attainted by Force of this Act, as is above said, within two Years next after such Murther or other felonious Offence perpetrated, done or committed, within the said Lordships Marchers, or any of them; any Thing in this present Act before rehearsed to the contrary notwithstanding.