Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/199

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A.D. 1535]
A.D. 1535]
27 Henry 8, c. 5.

An Act for making of Justices of peace in WALES.

The King's Highness considering the manifold robberies murders trespasses riots routs embraceries maintenances oppressions ruptures of his peace and many other malefacts which been daily practised perpetrated committed and done within his Counties and County Palatines of Chester and Flintshire in Wales adjoining to the said County of Chester, and also in his Counties of Anglece otherwise called Anglesey Kayernarvon and Merioneth within his Principality of North Wales, And also in his Counties of Cardigan, Carmarthen, Pembroke and Glamorgan in South Wales, by reason that common Justice hath not been indifferently ministered there like and in such form as it is in other places of this his Realm; By reason whereof the said murders robberies thefts trespasses and breaking of the peace have remained unpunished to the great animation of evil doers in the same Counties: For redress and amputation whereof and to the intent that one Order of ministering of his Laws should be had observed and used in the same as in other places of this Realm of England is had and used. It is ordained and enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present parliament assembled and by the authority of the same, that the Lord Chancellor of England or the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the time being from time to time and at all times shall have full power and authority by his discretion to nominate and appoint Justicers of peace, Justicers of the Quorum and Justicers of Gaol delivery, in the said Counties of Chester Flint Anglesey Carnarvon Merioneth Cardigan Carmarthen Pembroke and Glamorgan by Commission under the King's great Seal; which shall have full power and authority to inquire hear and determine all manner of thing and things inquirable presentable or determinable before Justicers of Peace, Justicers of Quorum and Justicers of Gaol delivery in other Shires of this Realm of England, by force or virtue of any Statute or Statutes made and to be made or by the course of the common Laws of this Realm; and that the said Justicers of peace Justicers of Quorum and Justicers of Gaol delivery so to be named and appointed by the said Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the great seal, and every of them shall have like power and authority within the said Counties of Chester Flint Anglesey