Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/202

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[A.D. 1535

have been of long Time unlawfully exacted and used, contrary both to the Law of God and Man, to the express Wrong and great impoverishing of divers of the King's true Subjects, the Effect of which said unlawful Exactions and Customs be hereafter declared; that is to wit, It hath been there unlawfully used, that if it fortuned any of the King's Subjects to pass go or ride through or in any Way or Path of any of the said Forests, not having upon him or them that so shall fortune to pass go or ride a Token delivered to him or them by the Chief Foresters Rulers Walkers or Farmers the which Token shall be well known amongst all them that are Walkers and Rulers under him or them; or that he or they that shall so fortune to pass go or ride in or through any of the said Forests, be not yearly Tributors or Chensers, then he or they so going riding or travelling in or through any of the said Forests, having no Token, or being yearly Tributors or Chensers, as is aforesaid, have used to pay by unlawful Exactions unto the said Foresters Rulers Walkers and Farmers of the said Forests a grievous Fine or Reward; And if any Person or Persons, not having such Token or Tokens, and not being a yearly Tributor or a Chenser, as is aforesaid, should happen to be taken found or espied by any of the said Foresters Rulers Walkers or Farmers, or their Assigns, by the Space of 24 Foot out of the Highway, then he or they so being taken found or espied out of the Highway, within any of the said Forests as is aforesaid, to forfeit and lose unto the said Foresters Rulers Walkers and Farmers, all such Money and Gold as should be then found upon him or them so being taken in any of the said Forests, out of the Highway, as is aforesaid.

2. "And also the same Person or Persons so being taken or found out of the Highway, to forfeit and lose a Joint of one of his or their Hands, or else to make Fine therefore with the said Foresters Rulers Walkers and Farmers, at the Will and Pleasure of the said Rulers Walkers or Farmers:

3. "And if also that it happen any Beast or quick Cattle to come go or escape into any of the said Forests by Stray or Thiefstolen, or otherwise, the said Foresters Rulers Walkers or Farmers, after Knowledge to him or them given, have likewise unlawfully used to seize and take the same Beast or Cattle as his or their own, and mark them with the Mark of their Forest there used, and so seized marked taken and them retain as Cattle forfeited unto their own use; by reason whereof the Owner and Owners of the same Cattle