Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/222

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[A.D. 1535

Knights and Burgesses of the Parliament be elected and chosen in all other Shires of this Realm of England, and that the sarne Knights and Burgesses shall have like Dignity Pre-eminence and Privilege, and shall be allowed such Fees, as other Knights and Burgesses of the Parliament have been allowed; and the Knights' Fees to be levied perceived received gathered and paid in such Manner Form and Order, as such Fees be gathered levied perceived received and paid in other Shires of this Realm of England; and the Burgesses' Fees to be levied as well within the Borough of Monmouth as within all other ancient Boroughs within the said Shire of Monmouth.

29. And that for this present Parliament, and all other Parliaments to be holden and kept up for this Realm one Knight shall be chosen and elected to the same Parliaments for every of the Shires of Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery, and Denbigh, and for every other Shire within the said Country or Dominion of Wales; and for every Borough being a Shire-town within the said Country or Dominion of Wales, except the Shire-town of the foresaid County of Mereoneth, one Burgess; and the Election to be in like Manner Form and Order, as Knights and Burgesses of the Parliament be elected and chosen in other Shires of this Realm; and that the Knights and Burgesses, and every of them, shall have like Dignity Pre-eminence and Privilege, and shall be allowed such Fees, as other Knights of the Parliament have and be allowed; and the Knights' Fees to be levied and gathered of the Commons of the Shire that they be elected in; and the Burgesses' Fees to be levied and gathered as well of the Boroughs and Shire-towns as they be Burgesses of, as of all other ancient Boroughs within the same Shires.

30. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every lay and temporal Person and Persons, now being Lords Marchers, and having any Lordships Marchers or Lordships Royal, shall from and after the said Feast of All-Saints have all such Myses and Profits of their Tenants, as they have had or used to have at the first Entry into their Lands in Times past, and also shall have hold and keep within the Precinct of their Lordships Courts Baron Court Leets and Law-days, and all and every Thing to the same Courts belonging; and also shall have, within the Precinct of their said Lordships or Law-days Waife Straife Infanthef Outfanthef Treasuretrove Deodands Goods and Chattels of Felons and of Persons condemned or outlawed of Felony or Murther, or put in