Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/231

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A.D. 1542-3]

aforesaid, that as well as the said Lordships Towns and Hamlets of Hope, Asaph, and the said whole Parish of Hawarden, together with the Lordship of the same, as also the Lordships Townships and Parishes of Molesdale, Mereforde, and Oseley, and all the Lands Tenements Hereditaments within the Precinct and Limits of the same or any of them shall from henceforth be reputed accepted taken and adjudged to be within the said County of Flint, as a Member Part and Parcel of the same County of Flint and not of or within any other County or Shire, any Statute Ordinance Law or custom heretofore had or used to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

4. Provided always that the Inhabitants and Tenants of the said Lordships Towns Hamlets and Parishes of Hope, Asaph, Moldesdale, Mereforde, Oseleye and Hawarden, shall pay their Mises and Tallages when and as often as the same shall be due, with the Inhabitants of such Shire or Shires as before Time hath been accustomed; and that the said Lordships of Hope, Moldesdale, Mereforde, Oseleye and Hawarden with the whole and entire Parish of Hawarden, and all the Grounds Lands Tenements and Hereditaments within the Precinct and Limits of the same shall from henceforth be called taken and accepted the Hundreds of Moldesdale in the County of Flint; and that the said Lordship of Asaph with all the Grounds Lands Tenements and Hereditaments within the Precinct and Limits of the same shall be taken accepted and adjudged to be as Part and Parcel of the Hundred of Ruthlande in the same County.

A.D. 1542-3]
34 &. 35 Henry 8, c. 11.

An Act for the true making of Frises and Cottons in WALES.

Forasmuch as the inhabitants clothmakers that dwell within the Towns and Boroughs of Carmarthenshire Cardiganshire and Pembrokeshire have used in times past to make their cloth called Welsh frise and cotton called Welsh cotton, to the great profit of all the King's Subjects of this Realm, that is to say; every piece called a high frise raw should be made of 54 pound yarn and should contain in length 46 yards and in breadth one yard one quarter and every half piece high frise should weigh 27 pound and contain in