Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/243

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A.D. 1542-3]

in England: And the said Officers shall attend upon the said Justices in their Circuits in their own proper Persons, and not by their Deputies.

46. And that the Marshal shall have, upon every Judgment and every Fine, 4d. and the Crier 1d. And upon the Acquittals of Felons, and of them that shall be delivered by Proclamation or delivered out of common Mainprise before any of the said Justices, the Marshal shall have 4d. and the Crier 1d.

47. Item, That every of the said Prenotaries, within the Limits of their Offices, shall take such Fees as hereafter shall be expressed; that is to say, For the writing of Pleas, and engrossing of Writs of Entry, in the Post, Writs of Right, Quod ei deforceat, or any other Writs pursued by the Assent of the Parties, 5s. and if it be with a double Voucher, than 6s. 8d. and for the Exemplification thereof 2s. and for the engrossing of Fines, to have for every Fine 3s. 4d. and if it be with Proclamations, then 4s.

48. Item, for every Bill of Debt, Detinue, Trespass, and all other Actions Personal sued before the said Justices in their Circuits, under the Sum of 40s. the Prenotaries shall have for the first Bill 4d. for the second Bill 4d. and for the third Bill 4d. and for the Entry of every Declaration, Plea and Bar, Replication, and Rejoinder in and upon every such Action, so that he do inroll the same in Parchment, 4d. and for every Venire fac', Tales, Habeas corpora, and 'Distring', for every of them 4d. and for the Judgment 8d. and for every Writ of Execution in every such Action 6d. and for every Warrant of Attorney in every such Action, as well for the Plaintiffs as for the Defendants 4d.

49. Item, In all Actions of Detinue, Trespass, and all other Actions Personal, wherein the Duty, Debt, or Damage amounteth to the Sum of 40s. or above, which shall be sued by Bills before the said Justices, the Prenotary shall have for the first Bill 4d. for the second Bill 4d. and for the third 4d. and for every of the Declaration, the Answer, Replication and Rejoinder, if it be enrolled in Parchment, 8d. and for the Venire fac', Tales, Habeas corpora, and Distring', for every of them 6d. and for the Judgment 8d. and for the Warrant of Attorney, 4d. and for every Writ of Execution upon the Judgments in such Bills 6d.

50. Item, In original Writs sued upon every Action Personal returnable before the said Justices, the Prenotaries shall have for every Iterum sum', 6d. for every Distress in Trespass 6d. and for the