Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/247

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A.D. 1542-3]

the yearly Nomination of the said Sheriffs, the said Lord President, Council, and Justices of Wales, or three of them at the least, where, of the said President to be one, shall yearly nominate three substantial Persons in every of the said twelve Shires, to be Sheriffs of the same, and shall certify their Names to the Lords of the King's most honourable Council, attending upon his Grace's Person, Crastino Animarum, to the Intent the King's Majesty, being thereof advertised, may appoint one of them in every of the said Shires to be Sheriff for that Year, at his most gracious Will and Pleasure, like as his Highness doth for his Realm of England; and thereupon the said Sheriffs shall have their Patents and Commissions under the Great Seal of England, as Sheriffs of England have, and shall make and take Oaths and Knowledges of Recognisances before the President and Justices, or one of them, by Virtue of the King's Writ of Dedimus potestatem to be directed for the same, for the due Execution of their Offices, and for their just and true Accounts before the King's Auditor or Auditors assigned for Wales.

62. Item, That every of the said Sheriffs shall have full Power and Authority, within the Limits of their Sheriffwick, to do and use their Offices as Sheriffs in England, and shall accomplish and execute, without any Favour, Dread or Corruption, all Manner of Writs, Process, Judgments and Executions, and all manner common Justice appertaining to their Offices of Sheriffs, and all lawful Commandments and Precepts of the said President, Council and Justices of Wales, and also of the Justices of the Peace, Escheators and Coroners, and every of them, in all Things appertaining to their Offices and Authorities.

63. Item, That the said Sheriffs shall do, and be bound to do, all and every other Thing and Things for the Ministration of Justice,and for the Conservation of the King's Peace, and the Apprehension and Repress of Traytors, Murderers, Thieves, Felons and other Offenders, as Sheriffs of England do use and be bound to do within the Realm of England.

64. Item, That the said Sheriffs shall yearly account before such the King's Auditor or Auditors, as shall be assigned and appointed by the King's Majesty for his said Dominion of Wales; and that every of the said Sheriffs shall have yearly for his Fee £5.

65. Item, That all Mayors, Sheriffs, Stewards, Bailiffs and other