Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/257

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A.D. 1542-3]

100. Item, If any Murder or Felony hereafter be committed or done within Wales, that then the Party or Parties to whom any such Offence shall hap to be committed, shall in no wise make any End or Agreement with the Offenders in that Behalf, nor with any other in his Name or Behalf, unless the said Party first make the said President and Council, or one of the said Justices, privy unto the same, upon Pain of Imprisonment, and grievous Fine to be set and adjudged at the Discretion of the said President, Council and Justices, or two of them, whereof the said President to be one; the same Pain and Penalty to extend as well to and against such as shall labour, move, or procure any such End or Agreement made, although the same Labour, Motion, or Procurement never take Effect, to make any End or Agreement, as against him or them with whom such End or Agreement shall be made, if the same happen to take Effect.

101. Item, "Where divers Lordships Marches, as well in Wales, as in the borders of the same, now being by Act of Parliament annexed to divers shires of England, be lately come to the King's hands by suppression of Houses, by purchase or attainders, and now be under the survey of the Court of Augmentations, or of the King's general surveyors, the liberties, franchises and customs of all which Lordships be lately revived by Act of parliament made in the 32nd year of his most gracious reign"; nevertheless his Majesty willeth and commandeth, That no other liberties franchises or customs shall from henceforth be used claimed or exercised within the said Lordships, nor any other Lordships within Wales, or the county of Monmouth, whosoever be Lord or owner of the same, but only such liberties, franchises, and customs as be given and commanded to the Lords of the same Lordships, by force and virtue of the said Act of Parliament made for Wales, in the said 27th year of his Grace's reign, and not altered nor taken away by this Ordinance; the said Act made in the said 32nd year, or any other Act grant law or custom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

102. Item, That if any person or persons, their ancestors, or they whose estate the same person or persons have or hath, in peaceable possession of any lands or tenements in Wales, by the space of five years, without let, interruption or lawful claim: That then the same person or persons shall still continue their possession, until such time as it shall be lawfully recovered against them by the order of the King's laws, or by decree of the President and Council there.